Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How Long Does A Brizilian Wax Last

Read it! Dominance

today I got an email from an old friend. Surprise me terribly because he is one of the last people from whom I expect the message. What's got? As you might imagine - a chain.

There was in him a few questions, so I opened a text editor (ignoring an order to use the same sheet of paper) and eagerly sat down to answer questions. And so in turn: first

Write the name of the person of the opposite sex.

second Which is your favorite color: red, black, blue, green or yellow?

third The first letter of your name?

4th Month of birth?

May 5th Which color do you like more black or white?

6th Name a person of the same sex.

7th Favorite number?

8th Do you prefer lake or sea?

9th Write request (possible to meet!).
k. .. Nothing a chain of more!

Dying of curiosity, I looked at the end of an e-mail and such here are the implications made by me led to the choice of answers:

first You love this person.
Christine is the name of a cat, which, yes, but like other emotions can hardly be said.

second If you chose / were looking for:
Green - Your soul is relaxed and you're at ease.

Jou Ziomoś nail piątala, zapodam skołować mahjong on the axle.

3. If the first letter of your name is:
AK - you have a lot of love and friendship you offer. Here

spun me in the eye and I decided to tear the award to buy a chocolate with nuts and raisins.

4th If you were born in
April - June
your relationship (emotional) is very strong, will last long but the memories forever.

If you read carefully, you will guess that the scope for another month waiting for me as sweet and bright future.

5th If you choose / Fort
Black: Your life will take a different direction, which will be very beneficial for you and you are very happy.

Dynamics substuktury black leads to reflection on the idea multidynamizmu czasoideoprzestrzeni the secondary unit changes the size, describing the effect of the intensity of black in the amplitude of requests zmiennolosowych, under the assumptions that are consistent with the third theory of universes coexist.

6th This person is your best friend.
do not know any of Stephen.

7th This is the amount of your close friends in your life.
And if my favorite number was 1356367?

8th If you chose / were looking for:

Lake: You are loyal friend and lover / iem.
One would think that the choice of the sea will mean a mistress in every port and missing teeth due to ill-calculated stocks of cabbage but do not:

Ocean: You are very spontaneous and like to please people.

9th This wish will come true only if when you send this email to 5 people in one hour. If you send it to 10 people meet up before your next birthday
Well, I'm doomed to chains for life.

persons, forming chains mostly driven by the need to cause confusion in the network. It is not only does a community effectively clogging the network with superfluous content and wasting resources. You might think "it's just a little mail, can not cause mass hysteria among ISP", but multiply this by e-mail at least five (see p. 5.) Persons and increase with increase in geometric ... He can do a lot and so it happens. Well over half the traffic is spam. For completeness I will add that my reaction, that this post, also generate network traffic and in a sense, online vandals target was achieved. Not to mention the readers, greedy downloaders kilobytes of data just because they do not Olala another chain, like all others, but I decided to speak. It's probably for the call zmiennolosowe ...

Łańcuszkom-STOP - Bez łańcuszków i spamu

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Where To Buy Koleston

memorable work, which was founded on the occasion of Domino in 2007.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

10 Intresting Facts About Tay-sachs Diease

"100 Years of the Colony Erechim - New Colony" Fernando Armindo Lugo

Erechim on display in Cologne Unoesc

Thursday 08/21/2008 - 08:37

Xanxerê - Banners that tell the story of the centennial of the creation of the Colony Erechim (RS) between the years 1908 to 2008, are being exposed by several points in Library Campus Unoesc Xanxerê. Brought by the Bachelor's Degree in History in partnership with the Institute of History and Geography of Getulio Vargas (IHGGV), the exhibition "100 Years of the Colony Erechim - New Colony" began on the 18th and will stay in town until the 28th of August.
are 16 banners containing texts that refer to a report by surveyor Colonel. Severiano de Almeida and Souza, illustrated with 28 photographs of the time - most of 1913 - drawn by an unidentified photographer who crossed the Colony Erechim, towards the Great Barn and Marcelino Ramos, Rio Grande do Sul, leaving soon after the states of Santa Catarina and Parana.
For the teacher's Degree in History Unoesc, Thais Jana Wenczenovicz , the exhibition "100 Years of the Colony Erechim - New Colony" is of great historical interest for the state of Santa Catarina, since most of settlers who came to the West of Santa Catarina was intermediate firms that had official contact with the Rio Grande do Sul and the New Colonies.
According to Thais, Erechim, like many other towns in Brazil, was on the sidelines of a railway, in this case the railroad that linked Rio Grande do Sul to Sao Paul. Formed in 1908 and settled mostly by Poles, Italians, Germans and Israelis, the village had 36 Erechim pioneers, among them European immigrants coming from other lands and old, as Caxias do Sul, who arrived by railroad and lived in the place, making it a short time later a district of Passo Fundo.
Known as the Capital of wheat due to high numbers of grains produced, Erechim is currently called the Capital of Friendship. "The name's origin is linked to the first inhabitants there, the Tupi-Guarani," said the professor, adding that Erechim means "Campo Pequeno", probably because the fields in the region were surrounded by forests.
All the material on display was organized by Professor Angelo Neivo Fabris, the IHGGV, and is funded by the City of Culture Vargas (RS). The exhibition is open free for public viewing in the morning, from 8 to 11:30, and afternoon shifts and night, from 13:30 until 22:30.

Fabiane De Carli - Sheet Regional

Date: 08/20/2008 - Time: 15:15:04

Unoesc hosts exhibition 100 Years of the Colony, New Colony Erechim

Unoesc The Campus Xanxerê hosts in the period 18-28 August, exhibition focusing on the centenary of the creation of the Colony Erechim. The event, an initiative of the Bachelor's Degree in History in partnership with the Institute of History and Geography of Getulio Vargas (IHGGV), is located in the University Library.

The exhibition consists of 16 banners illustrated with 28 photographs, mostly made in 1913 by an unidentified photographer, who crossed the then headquarters of the Colony Erechim, towards the Great Barn and Marcelino Ramos. After he went on trip to Santa Catarina and Parana. The text accompanying the banners is referenced report signed by the surveyor cel. Severiano de Souza e Almeida.

"Originally called Great Barn and then successively Boa Vista, Boa Vista Erechim Jose Bonifacio and finally Erechim, like many other towns in Brazil, Erechim appeared on the sidelines of a railway. In case the railroad that linked Rio Grande do Sul to Sao Paulo, "explains Professor Jana Wenczenovicz Thais, course of History, Campus Xanxerê.

Settled primarily by four ethnic groups - Polish, Italian, German and Israeli - the village was formed in 1908. It was also that year that 36 pioneers, among European immigrants and others from the old lands (Caxias do Sul), arrived by railroad and inhabited the place, which soon became a district of Passo Fundo.
Erechim was once known as the Capital of wheat due to higher volumes of grain produced. Today it is recognized as the Capital of Friendship. "The name's origin is linked to the first inhabitants of the place, the Tupi-Guarani. Erechim means 'Little Field', probably because the fields in the region were surrounded by forests, "says the teacher.

The exhibition "100 Years of the Colony Erechim - New Colony" has an important historical interest for the state of Santa Catarina, considering that much of the early settlers who went to the Western Santa Catarina came through companies that were colonizing official contacts with Rio Grande do Sul and, more specifically, with the New Colonies.

The material was organized by Professor Angelo Neivo Fabris, the IHGGV, and funded by the City of Culture of Getulio Vargas. The exhibition is open to visitors in the morning, from 8 to 11:30, and afternoon shifts and night, from 13:30 until 22:30.

Source: Division of Communications and Marketing

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Food Medifast/nutrsystem


From the presidency of the bishop REPUBLIC: Fernando Lugo


denotes this last decade and win the election of several left-wing political leaders in command of several Latin American countries. Bachetelet, Chavez, Correa, Morales, and now Fernando Armindo Lugo de Méndez as president of the neighboring Republic of Paraguay.

Born on May 30, 1951, Lugo is descended from a humble family and born in São Pedro do Paraná, located the 400 km south of Asuncion. Also make up your history a childhood and youth full of difficulties, mainly because it is part of a family who was the victim of political persecution during the dictatorship of Alfredo Stroessner (1954-1989).

In the 1970s he entered the novitiate of the Missionaries of the Divine Word and, concurrently, did his higher studies in Universidad Catolica Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion , in the capital, where he later served as a teacher in Course of Religious Science. In the same decade was ordained a Catholic priest in August 15, 1977 and later moved to Ecuador to work as a missionary in the diocese of Bolivar, accompanied by Monsignor Leonidas Proaño (1910-1988), an exponent of Liberation Theology.

The 1980s reserved for studies in the Old World where he worked the area of \u200b\u200bspirituality and sociology at the Pontifical Gregorian University known. In the 1990s, more specifically in 1994, returned to Paraguay where was appointed bishop of the diocese of San Pedro, which is one of the poorest regions of the country. His appointment was made through Pope John Paul II which ranked as the element with Excenter formation and detachment to operate in an environment where poverty and misery that people made up the routine.

His performance with the popular strata and excluded the close of the thinker Frei Betto, Leonardo Boff and Dom Helder Camara. Their political and ideological options enabled him to be 'baptized' in the Guarani Tekojoja (which means "living among equals"). In 2004, without disclosing the reasons, the Church stepped down - indicating position as the title of bishop emeritus. " Oblivious to the criticism or possible sanctions from the Church, in March 2006, Lugo led the resistance movement Citizen, which brought together the main opposition political parties, labor unions and five more than one hundred associations and civil movements. That same month, was the keynote speaker for a protest demonstration against the government, convened by the Resistance Citizen, which brought together more than 30 000 people in front of the headquarters of the Congress.

After several assaults on the political scene and its appreciation against the Paraguayan population, on April 24, 2008 Fernando Lugo of Paraguay and religious leaders gathered to find a way out the situation facing the Catholic Church to have a bishop-politician, considering him the post of elected president of a country in South America even without exercising their religious activity, Lugo was still bishop in a country where the Constitution prohibits any minister of any religion, its chairmanship.

The July 30, 2008 , the legal guardian of the episcopate, Orlando Antonini gave the president-elect for the acceptance by Pope Benedict XVI, the resignation of Fernando Lugo to the state church. First bishop to be elected head of state in history, Lugo received a dispensation from Pope Benedict XVI historic, allowing you to exercise the presidency of Paraguay, from August 15, 2008. "The Vatican has granted the secular state to many priests, but this is historically the first time he does so to a member of the Church hierarchy" , which does not preclude the reinstatement in the future of Fernando Lugo to the church hierarchy, at the end its mandate.

know that the victory of the bishop of the poor "was due in large part to their actions in defense of landless peasants, trade unions and social movements which resulted in d Errota in the polls Party America South that had stayed longer in power and has received a license history of the pope.

* University Lecturer

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Clean Scorch Marks Off Deck

I do not like Mondays

Although Monday is Tuesday but was despicable. First we had to work and c, and secondly to live with the sadness caused by the cancellation of Sunday's concert. Rain drove the audience effectively.

But what we worry about. The next concert on 30 September in Stryków. In the meantime I gearing up for Great Journey ...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Can We Take Fish Hunter Boat To The Ocean

Sunday will be for us

Today, with the team Drive Away, set to the rest of the tour was interrupted unexpectedly. This time will arrive in Walewice, where the team was successful last year. The guys are determined, is a bit of new material, is preparing an interesting evening.

No live music was reflected in my life, emptiness and sadness, so finally we have a chance slightly impair hearing organs. A lot of emotions gives direct involvement in what happens when one has the feeling that what flows from your speakers depends a little on you. I am counting on good hardware facilities and friendly atmosphere.

How will - I will try to tell. Until then, please hold the remotely crossed syndrome (especially for me because of the undersigned crashes with robots), or press the corpse in the car and enjoy live:

View larger map And no one wykręci that they do not know where they are Walewice:) Home at 20:00.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

How Long Does Mayo Keep In The Packet?

monasteries, churches and bars

decided to light up an example and write a post. One might think that it is the thousands of e-mails from readers, someone else that sent bouquets of flowers every week. Others say that the high concentration of Disco music in the nearby supermarket confused my senses. All of them are wrong.

last weekend of July I spent in Lowicz. She took me there a Lowiczanka, known from previous posts as KK. Persuaded me to do this a lot earlier and a total willingness expressed, but there were not enough time. Free for both weekend allowed us to finally push the delay in the bus and set off briskly in place.

City greatly surprised me after him entering, especially architecture. We went to the residence by a circuitous route, and I knew that KK has przechlapane because it will I had to bring in any interesting place. After a light meal, we went on tour. And so I saw the castle, Bzura (such a river), the shaft, the museum, the Old Market, New Market (one of three triangular markets in Europe - check it out!), Churches (worth a visit, the Baroque church Piarist XVII century), cathedral, basilica, monasteries (!), horse market, shopping streets. Lowicz gallery and a couple of shoe stores, because I did not take sandals. Tired of dinner and went back again to conquer the evening - this time a night - Lowicz. Any place where you can drink something at night or eat, are closed at 22:00 so nightlife is not extensive. Youth meet at New Market and doing something (I did not notice exactly).

znęcił second day of our sake, sunny weather. Bzura determined the way for limitless fields and fragrant grasses, but quickly proved that further travel may lead to stroke. Then coffee, lazy, beer and Monopoly.

most positive was calm. Silence, lack of aggression, though some people przyjemniejsi, better dressed women. But it can only tourist's delight, yearning for travel. Check it out for sure next visit.

Finally, let me add that the joint expedition led to the development blog. Both the author and the undersigned should be better applied to the faithful readers do not feel disappointed.

PS. KK, a0x - thanks:)

Monday, August 11, 2008

How To Write A Cover Letter For Dental Nurse Post

of 100 years of establishment of the Colony Erechim




8:15 am 8:30 am 9 am


URI - Campus Erechim - Lounge Acts (Building 6)



Cultural Moment: "Project Italian Culture - PROETI "

" Railroad Family Farming: Perspectives and Struggles in the Upper Uruguay. " Prof. Dr. Nédio Piran (URI - Campus Erechim)
Discussant: Prof. Enora Chiaparini (SMCET)

Prof. Esp. Simone Zago (Coordinator of the Municipal Historical Archive)



8 am 8:15 am 8:30



URI - Campus Erechim - Lounge Acts (Building 6)



Cultural Moment, "German Culture Project - PROETI"

"Colonization in Erechim" - Prof. Enora Chiaparini (SMCET)
Discussant: Prof. Ms. Ernesto Cassol (
URI - Campus Erechim )

Prof. Dr. Paulo Bittencourt
(URI - Campus Erechim)

: : 06 SEPTEMBER 2008 - SATURDAY (return to top)



8:15 am 8:30 am 9 am

URI - Campus Erechim - Lounge Acts (Building 6)



Cultural Moment: "Project Culture Gaucho - PROETI"


: 27 SEPTEMBER 2008 - SATURDAY (return to top)



8:15 am 8:30 am 9 am


URI - Campus Erechim - Lounge Acts (Building 6)



Cultural Moment: "African Culture Project - PROETI "

" Analysis of the Process of creation of municipalities from the Cologne Erechim "- Prof. Esp. Angelo Neivo Fabris (IHG - GV)
Facilitator: Prof AMAU

. Ms. Gladis Helen Wolff
(URI - Campus Erechim)

: 18 OCTOBER 2008 - SATURDAY (return to top)


8 am 8:15 am 8:30


URI - Campus Erechim - Lounge Acts (Building 6)



"100 years in one night - a documentary on the centenary of the creation of the Colony Erechim" - Director: Osne Lima


: 20 OCTOBER 2008 - MONDAY (return to top)



19:30 19:45



Cultural Center July 25


Opening Ceremony

Cultural Moment: Band Tribute - 99764446 Phone (Eduardo)

"Macroeconomic Context of Colonization" - Prof. Dr. Luiz Eugenio Vescio (UFSM)
Facilitator: Prof. Isabel Rose Gritti
(URI - Campus Erechim)

Prof. Esp. Simone Zago
(Coordinator of the Municipal Historical Archive)

: 21 OCTOBER 2008 - TUESDAY (return to top)



19:15 19:30



Cultural Center July 25


Cultural Moment: School of Fine Arts

"A City Planned Under Inspiration Positivist: Erechim (1908-1930) "Professor
. Remis Ms. Perin Alice Schmidt (PUCRS)
Discussant: Prof. Cassol Ms. Ernesto (URI - Campus Erechim)

Prof. Ms. Neusa City Garcez
(URI - Campus Erechim)

: 22 OCTOBER , 2008 - WEDNESDAY (return to top)



19:15 19:30



Cultural Center July 25


Cultural Moment: Coral Municipal

"The Colonization of Ethnic Diversity Erechim" - Prof. Isabel Rose Gritti
(URI - Campus Erechim)
Facilitator: Prof. Dr. Jana Wenczenovicz Thais (UNOESC - IDEAU)

Prof. Dr. Everson Fogolari
(URI - Campus Erechim)

23 OCTOBER 2008 - THURSDAY MONDAY (return to top)



19:15 19:30


URI - Campus Erechim (Building 6)


Cultural Moment: Polish Folk Dance Group of Erechim - Jupem

"Religions and Religiosity in the former colony Erechim - Prof. Ms. Luciana Gressan
(URI - Campus Erechim)
Discussant: Father Antonio Neto

Prof. Valentini. Ms. Marli de Almeida Baldissera
(URI - Campus Erechim)

24 OCTOBER 2008 - FRIDAY (return to top)



19:15 19:30


URI - Campus Erechim - Lounge Acts (Building 6)


Cultural Moment: Children and Youth Choir at URI - Campus Erechim

"School and Education in the former colony Erechim" - Prof. Dr. Silvana Gritti
Facilitator: Prof. Ms. Marli de Almeida Baldissera
(URI - Campus Erechim)

Academic Board Luis Carlos Prestes (Course of History at URI - Campus Erechim)

(return to top)

- Period: July 1 to August 2
- Location: Municipal Historical Archive Miguel Juarez Illa Font

- Free Registration
- Phone: 3522-9284


- 40 hours


- Presence of at least 8 meetings

Locations achievement

- Cultural Center July 25
- Lounge Acts - URI - Campus Erechim

City of Erechim

- Municipal Historical Archive JUAREZ MIGUEL FONT
ILLA - Course of History at URI - Campus Erechim

- Banrisul

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Causative Agent Of Yellow Fever

Hush here lately. Page visiting all of a sudden a few hundred regular readers, the author of the opieprza and does not produce anything new, team returns home, the ozone hole is growing ...

Editors justify a lack of new work temporary indisposition. As soon as sleep and credited a few items, you'll write something constructive. I praise

just a little bit. I came into possession of the receiver Unitra ZRK AT9100:

picture comes from the Unitra-Club .

amplifier is almost twenty years and a lot of scratches (one in the picture is in much better condition), but there is not even the slightest meaningful to compare the wording of the "towers" offered in supermarkets. Wonderful, hand-assembled by a parent, trzydrożne column perfectly capture every sound. From the gentle swing straight from the sixties through the harmonics on the bass in the style of Jaco Pastorius and vocals of Ella Fitzgerald, to the strong guitar riffs from Dream Theater. Columns, indeed, be fine, but it is already good. If anyone has such equipment in the house, the attic, in a cell at Grandma I encourage you to test and reading related to this subject because I want to take a little time and money. Robust, Polish production.

Finally, I will add that soon the new openSUSE - eleven. I'm looking forward (and even the counter I put a fat: D) \u200b\u200band strongly urge you to familiarize yourself with issue.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Beastman Skeletor Song Mp3

Clinical Death Drive Away Summer Session

yesterday held a meeting with a beer in the composition: Tom, Leon and the undersigned.

warm summer evening is an excellent time to consider the issues of life over a glass of Bison. The thing is, that one is not over and I was forced to go a much longer route to return home because of the constantly recurring problems with maintaining proper direction the march. Despite these difficulties, we arrived safe and sound, consuming (just me and Leo) along the way a great pizza with peppers, salami, onion and huge amount of cheese.

problem arose in the morning. Probably quaffed two liters of water, then went back to sleep. The actual occasion proved to be both accessible and I could finally enjoy the prospect of an afternoon to go to work.

Beer reminder of the evening, and only paracetamol tablet saved me from destruction. The moral of this story is that the next meeting with the guys will be as enjoyable and that you always need to carry a tablet of paracetamol. You never know whom you will spend the evening and how much of life issues will reinforce the desire. Pozdrowienia dla towarzyszy w "syndromie dnia następnego".

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Average Price For Hair Coloring In A Salon

Day in the Life Agent

Tego dnia wstał wcześnie. Wziął pobudzający prysznic, założył ubranie, zjadł lekki posiłek i zabrał się za wyznaczone zadania. Czas upływał nieubłaganie, równo o 15:00. zaczynał pracę.

Z domu wyszedł przed godziną 14:00. Korki w całym mieście i fatalna komunikacja potrafią poważnie pokrzyżować każdy misterny plan. Tym razem udało się dotrzeć na miejsce tylko z jedną przesiadką. Ogromny, pomarańczowy wieżowiec zobaczył już kilka przystanków wcześniej. On the spot, it turned out that the lift does not work. He sighed and walked to the thirteenth floor. At the top he found a terrible scorching heat. Set to the correct air conditioning - a second week. He sighed, took the backpack shiny handset from Philips, signed up and waited for the first interview. The lady was polite, asked about the deal. He described the available products and asked to read information from the website. Then it was different: a few complaints, completely confused customers, new questions about the offer, the standard instructions.
's time for first break. Already reached after a pack of cigarettes but he remembered about the prospect of overcoming the thirteen floor staircase - in the office was not allowed to smoke. He hesitated. Or stay here and I will be counting minutes until the end of a break staring blankly at the monitor while roasting mercilessly, or give pleasure to enjoy first-class tobacco brand cigarettes hidden in the East, he thought.
checked whether the car rests in the pocket.
- Who goes to smoke? - He asked. One of the slaves of habit, who, after three hours finally came down was on a break, offered his company. Neither of them together again indulgence but yet it never occurred to them to deal with hundreds of degrees. Dive
went smoothly. After just a few minutes, cigarette embers crackled pleasantly as the smoke fills the lungs. They talked, as usual, about the work and the problems associated with it, customer and call center life. Every day there were the same topics, but somehow it does not bother anyone. Odgasili butts and wondered how can you go back to the top.
- Elevators are already in operation - they heard from the concierge at the entrance and sighed with relief.
- God exists - said an addict - and repairs elevators.
agent thought it was doing rather a mechanic but does not intend to share this proposal with a colleague.
then much more has happened. Standard talk, break, cigarette, glass of cold cola from a nearby store. Evening in the auditorium of boiling water and could be eased to withstand. Repair of elevators has improved significantly of all, humor. Again returned jokes, gossip, stories. Customers also have become more like a friendship. Only if a little less calling ...
- Damn I will! I've had enough of that! Another moment and we really hit me, damn it! - Sophie said. - Interpreters him as a child and he does not understand! I have to Finally, look for work ...
Nobody paid any attention. Similar words fell from her lips at least once a day for the past six months, but it did not bother anybody, everybody liked to Zosia for its friendly disposition. Need some advice, go to Sophie - we all knew about it. She was a woman who has undergone a lot in life and was able to draw conclusions of their adventures. After another dismissal (she had two children and was planning another) has become a teleoperatorem, and that anyone here does not interfere with maternal aspirations was.

About 23:00, talked back to the last callers who had trouble navigating the website. Although I had finished work, he was patient, polite. Exactly at 23:04 closed all programs, logged off and started getting ready to leave. He was tired, but the prospect of returning to his family added his forces. He ordered a taxi. He wanted to go home soon, he knew that there nacieszy to rest and what was the atmosphere that day. The end was such a day Christmas Eve and everyone is entitled to a bit of joy.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Why Does The Bone On The Inside Of My Ankle

Uroczysko: Prologue

At the western end of Lodz is located a place called Uroczyskiem. To get there, not enough public transport. You still need to find the invisible path, overcome dangerous passage through the trackway and now we can enjoy the intense green, her smell, touch. And all this a few meters from one of the largest block of settlements in Poland.

amazing atmosphere of the place inspired to do this wallpaper:

author is Leo, and the wallpaper was the picture taken in the field. " I hope I can prove the most interesting aspects Uroczyska and once created photographs (Mrs. photographer?), I will tell more. And now is the night ...

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Vox Populi

And so the decision was made and the necessary changes.

Voting Begins pointed to the unequivocal conclusion of voting, but the last few hours brought many surprises. Supporters of the collapsing posts gave of himself to know and in this way until the last moment it was not possible to assess the outcome. When the excitement reached its zenith and I ended up with friends, which could poison the force web site, the voting is finished. Results are as follows:

How do you think the system should look like blinkin blog?
retractable, like the previous posts - 7 votes (46%);
full, as the last post - 8 votes (53%).

Thank you all for your participation and invite you to the inaugural Evening Post has already announced a series. In the meantime I

I go for the inauguration of the bathing season, which, for technical reasons, was suspended from 11 January. Do I get out of the damn bathroom for a week ...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Free Operation Repo Online

the end of the poll was few hours and we have almost a tie. This is not a true pre-election silence, but let her substitute would be the fact that I already have their favorite and not tell who is an option:).

Today podsunięto me an idea for an interesting post, maybe cycle. The inauguration will take place after the announcement of results and necessary changes in the blog template code. The cycle will try to attach pictures rich, and because I know so much about your photos, what about open heart surgery, I hope to report eager photographers (especially the one I mean.) Meanwhile

invite to cast the last votes. If someone else he wants to influence the fate of the Internet, have a moment to do it. Tomorrow announcement of the results and the beginning of the series - I hope. Enjoy reading.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Driclor Without Prescription

Poll pre-election silence

In view of the many controversies, I decided to trust and carry out the Vox Populi poll.

discussed will be the look of your blog. For several days posts on the main page of your blog can be seen only as the first paragraph. To read more, go to the post page by clicking show all or title of the blog. Previously, all were visible at once, without having to click on, which meant that the whole blog had to scroll to get to the end. Inability to decide has led me to vote you, faithful readers. For comparison, this post will remain in the old style and the rest are curled. Inserts a picture yet to provide a complete picture of each option

And finally, one more thing. At the bottom of the blog you will find a newly formed department - Film Week. You can find more interesting movies caught by me or by friends podesłane (you have an idea-write). Do not promise to update regularly every week but certainly something powrzucam.

So - time to start voting. The survey is on the right side of the mountain.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Difference Between Coit And Stanley Steemer

motorized two-wheelers are so many had not yet seen.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to participate in the II International Rally Night Riders IPA - Poland. The event took place in Tuszyn. One may ask, what editors of this blog has to do with cars. Well, I explain the following. Team Drive Away bluesrockowy rally performed during his show, and because the guys I know, in principle, from the beginning play the current team (and several previous ones) we cooperate in the effort to protect the sound of the band and so I became an acoustician.

trip to Tuszyn began to corrupt the elevator in the building, from which we took the equipment. This proved the beginning of a bad run but more on that in a moment. At the place we arrived before 19:00, the team entered at 20:00 so it was a bit of time for a beer and pork barbecue (rewelacja!). We managed to find a sound engineer and then I saw this marvel:
equipment was not end of an efficient and, as it turned out, in practice, it was hard for him to get a decent sound. But before they got to toy had the pleasure of admiring the OSP Tuszyn brass band, dancing, scantily clad teenage girls (need to stay warm, poor), and enjoy the said neck, drinking heavily diluted Okocim. Lots of enthusiasm roused hot air balloon, but that was three or four flights at a height of 5 feet tied with a cost:

Had a surreptitious popular party? Once you've rolled up the balloon, we proceeded testing. And then I fell into despair because there was no best. Several cuts later, we came to a local sound engineer with such a compromise. The guys played. And here again is upomniało fate. Tom (guitar) broke a string. This is the first such situation in team history, but Julek (vocals) from bravely accompanying rhythm section (Leon and Rysiek) entertained the audience with a beautifully bravura performance of works of Czeslaw Niemen. A new string formed, we play on. And what? Another burst. In total, four at the time of the first set and stocks began to shrink dramatically. Fortunately, the four ended but the first part of the show suffered heavily. Then break, beer, cigarettes and broken bench, back to the second Seth. Light color correction settings, bass amp and drum mics amplifying the sound quality greatly improved its entirety and then you can concentrate on the music. Improved sound, a short break and the strings gave niepękające pretty good effect. The crowd eventually left in peace grilled wonders, and cups of beer and started to play music. Heart (and legs) captivated listeners, "This last Sunday - the last song of the evening. The crowd went crazy.

team left a good impression and was invited to the rally of the year. After rolling up the equipment we were a moment to listen to another band - Band Cheap.

back to the boat passed peacefully. Just leave the equipment and you can go for a beer. It just was not the broken elevator ...

sorry for the quantity and quality of the photos, but it was enough to get my Samsung L760.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Woke Up With Pain In My Right Testicular

my Harley One, two, three, looking witch! Zum Geburtstag viel

However, it went under the chair. But I was close to collapse.

I'm rather timid eaters horror. My favorite so far was "Signs," directed by M. Night Shyamalan (some say it's not horror but I have a different opinion.) The prospect of seeing "Orphanage" in the cinema intrigued me, because I've never been on film in the cinema of horror, but because of that I film a coward, I did not know what to expect. The film surprised me mile. I do not tolerate ugliness epatującego cinema-style "Alien: Resurrection" and "Saw." If you already have to fear is not what I'm seeing something so disgusting that I want to vomit just what is lurking just right and it is uncertain until the end. And this video, Juan Antonio Bayona has passed. Although there is a scene (not bad), but it also somehow have to sell tickets. As for the plot also feel satisfied. Interesting combination of two worlds, puzzle, almost, criminal, interesting characters. The solution is an unexpected and so ... niehollywoodzkie. Not writes on this subject for the reasons given above. Want to find out - go to the cinema (there are other solutions, but it is not proper to write ...). Praise or crafts. A connoisseur of bad cinema with me, I prefer music, but I liked the game Belén Rueda - who plays the lead role. How is KK identified - one is not so strong nerves, as the main character, and this lady was able to play up to a determined woman ready for anything quite believable. Another specialist was Oscar Faura - Cinematographer. Pictures just make the most tension in this image.

After "Labyrinth Faun another contemporary English film made a big impression on me. Guillermo del Toro supports interesting ideas and encourages me to watch his other films. Film is definitely for people who do not mind the style fantasy or fairy tales, and for lovers of robust dreszczowców. Editors blog blinkin recommends.