However, it went under the chair. But I was close to collapse.
I'm rather timid eaters horror. My favorite so far was "Signs," directed by M. Night Shyamalan (some say it's not horror but I have a different opinion.) The prospect of seeing "Orphanage" in the cinema intrigued me, because I've never been on film in the cinema of horror, but because of that I film a coward, I did not know what to expect. The film surprised me mile. I do not tolerate ugliness epatującego cinema-style "Alien: Resurrection" and "Saw." If you already have to fear is not what I'm seeing something so disgusting that I want to vomit just what is lurking just right and it is uncertain until the end. And this video, Juan Antonio Bayona has passed. Although there is a scene (not bad), but it also somehow have to sell tickets. As for the plot also feel satisfied. Interesting combination of two worlds, puzzle, almost, criminal, interesting characters. The solution is an unexpected and so ... niehollywoodzkie. Not writes on this subject for the reasons given above. Want to find out - go to the cinema (there are other solutions, but it is not proper to write ...). Praise or crafts. A connoisseur of bad cinema with me, I prefer music, but I liked the game Belén Rueda - who plays the lead role. How is KK identified - one is not so strong nerves, as the main character, and this lady was able to play up to a determined woman ready for anything quite believable. Another specialist was Oscar Faura - Cinematographer. Pictures just make the most tension in this image.
After "Labyrinth Faun another contemporary English film made a big impression on me. Guillermo del Toro supports interesting ideas and encourages me to watch his other films. Film is definitely for people who do not mind the style fantasy or fairy tales, and for lovers of robust dreszczowców. Editors blog blinkin recommends.
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