Summary: From reading some of the interrogations in Operation Bandeirante (Oban), and Posting of Information Operations (DOI) from Sao Paulo - law enforcement agencies created during the military dictatorship (1969-1985) - aims problematize what were the conditions of production from this source, which take care to analyze it and what the opportunities for research. The goal is to develop, through reading the documents, a discussion of possible interpretations and pitfalls that lead containing as well as the ethical concerns that should guide work with such documents.
Menu: The main objective is to discuss the gap between what is produced at the university and the subjects spent in the classroom. Discuss topics such as "teacher researcher" and can be done as an education project that encourages reflection on the context of commercialization of education imposed by the private sector.
Summary: The aim of this course is to provide students with an analysis of aspects of modern political thought, relating them to key events of that historical period. Will deal with issues dear to modern political thought, involving a series of theoretical and methodological suggestions formulated from the standpoint of an intellectual history inspired by the Cambridge School, especially Quentin Skinner and John Pocock. The main contribution of these theorists is to indicate the need to understand the political writings of the past from the reconstruction of linguistic and normative contexts where the texts originally appeared.
12 - History, Education and Documents
Proposers: Prof.
Summary: In recent decades, proposals for the use of documents in the classroom have been a constant in the suggestions for renewal of teaching history in order to achieve relationships of teaching and learning more enjoyable and meaningful. With mini-course, it is intended, on one hand, reflect on the place of the documents in the teaching of history, from some proposals and experiments (which will be presented, discussed and partly carried out through workshops documents). In addition, efforts will be focused on placing the situation regarding their own history of relations of historians with their research materials, as well as to the historical process of formation of collections and custodial institutions documents (such as libraries, museums, archives and documentation centers).
13 - Keep non Restore: notions of conservation of paper documents
1 - Training Teachers, curriculum and textbooks
Maria das Dores Daros - UFSC Ivonete da Silva Souza - UFSC
Abstract: Mini-symposium proposes to be a forum for discussion and dissemination of research in education history and history teaching in the following dimensions: training and school environments. Regarding training, addressing both the training of teachers and the teaching profession and its relationship with the school routine. And in the everyday school issues, address the curriculum in teacher education and the role of textbooks in the school culture. Understanding how this universe that encompasses content, representations and uses in the classroom. These dimensions are developed on the borders of History and Education.
2 - Latin America: the processes of social
Summary: A revolutionary nationalist movement crosses Latin America today. The presidential elections that have occurred in recent years pose a crisis of representative democracy and some governments seek new forms of popular organization. Global dynamics of the resistance of all kinds, from the standpoint of resistance to neoliberalism and the search for alternatives left, emerges from a Latin American force that gives the continent a new space full of effervescence. Our symposium will try to examine, using the tools of social criticism, political struggles, cultural and revolutionary develop, and developed on the mainland, from a historical perspective in order to understand both the trends the long duration and the phenomena arising in the course of recent years.
Keywords: Latin America: politics, culture, nationalism.
3 - Memory, Identity and History Education
Summary: This mini-symposium aims to be a space reflection and exchange of experience on studies that problematize the teaching of history in different historical times. The discussions will focus on the central concepts of memory and identity, which can not be thought decoupled. It is understood the research and teaching as a producer of identities and professional history, in the teaching profession, as one who thinks their field of expertise and is linked to bodies that contribute to the expansion of knowledge in the field of history. In this sense, the teacher is seen as one who conveys knowledge produced in other institutions - textbooks, historiographic texts, collections and other sources of memories - but as a fellow agent and constructor of knowledge in the production of identities. With regard to the theme of memory is need to develop ideas that aim to break with traditional views or simplistic, yet existing in the Teaching of History, for example, to think that memory is all that is history, or history. This mini-symposium is open to discussion on the process of constructing historical knowledge at different levels and their implications in Education and Research.
Keywords: History teaching, memory, identity.
4 - Protestantism and Pentecostalism Brazilian
Proposers: William
Summary: This mini-symposium seeks to address the multiple contributions of the religious evangelical historiography of Brazil. Among them we highlight the relationship between Protestant groups and (neo-) Pentecostal coma politics, the evangelical media (radio, TV, Internet and print media), religious speech, charismatic leaders, the numerical expansion of evangelical, transit and religious pluralism in Brazil, and the everyday habits of the faithful, the religious market, among other religious phenomena.
Keywords: evangelicals, Pentecostals, Protestant.
5 - Ways of the city: reflections from the present time
Abstract: Cities are social artifacts endowed with history and who are in permanent construction, whether by incorporation of new areas or by creating new buildings and roads, whether by new lines and vistas that the displacements of its residents impress at any moment within urban. With this, these have called in every moment of its formation to its residents, visitors or mere observers, different perceptions of their characteristics, various representations about the experiences they provide, and heated tensions around the memories elaborate on them, thus giving rise the various possibilities historiographical approach that mainly emphasize its dimension of bustling theaters in which they move with extreme ease his actors.
Keywords: city, memory, panorama.
6 - Work and workers, cultures, identities and resistance
César AB Queiros - UFRGS
Abstract: The symposium proposes to aggregate studies that discuss issues concerning the world of work in respect of class cultures, identities and forms of organization and resistance. It is noted that the world of work is thought widely, covering various forms of cultural constructions and experiences of workers. The Symposium does not prioritize timeframes or space, since it is believed that the diversity of the work contributes to enriching the debate.
Keywords: work; identities, resistance.
7 - Teaching the history, images and knowledge production
Summary: It is a context of significant presence information technology and communication technologies (ICTs) in everyday and most of the population of Santa Catarina, which invites students, teachers / researchers from the socializing and broaden the discussion about the presence and use of visuality in the XXI century. Reflect on what it is and how consumer society has interfered in social relations. Through dialogue with authors, devoted to thinking about the centrality of the image in daily life, seek alternatives and possibilities to discuss how the visual can be made by the teaching of history in order to produce knowledge through processes in which all subjects of education are participants.
Keywords: images, knowledge, education.
8 - Environmental History in Santa Catarina: themes and theoretical and methodological perspectives
Eunice Nodari Sueli - UFSC Carlos Renato Carola - UNESC
Summary: The Environmental History has methods, theories and different themes, returning to the socio-economic, the political-cultural and health, with links between environmental problems (such as degradation, soil depletion, extinction, simplification genetics, biotic invasions or contamination) and human problems (colonization, subsistence rights, inequality, racism, or underdevelopment). The environment is therefore the size of the natural and built world palpable, and the product of interrelations between humans and nonhumans. This symposium is interdisciplinary (Humanities, Natural and Earth), intends to promote exchange and dissemination theoretical and methodological research in the area made in Santa Catarina and in the south. Among the various research possibilities it opens space for papers in the area of \u200b\u200benvironmental policy and legislation, activism, attitudes about the landscape (disturbance, intervention, diversion), modernization agricultural, toxicity, conservation areas, ethnic knowledge, self-determination and sustainability of populations in anthropogenic environments, memory and imagination, environmental, and other topics related to the history of relations between humans and nonhumans.
Keywords: Environmental History; diversity of themes and theoretical and methodological; prospects in Santa Catarina.
9 - Audiovisual language and history teaching
Proponents: Karen Christine
Summary: This thematic symposium is aimed to discuss propositions that the audiovisual language and history teaching, linking research and experience in various fields and disciplines. The approach of these areas of expertise include the relationship of visual language with the school culture, the elements of visual language and its discursive mechanisms and theoretical and methodological issues of teaching history related to the use of audiovisual language. Such an approach also involves research and reflections related to the audiovisual as a historical source, as a producer of images and meanings in the construction of historical knowledge, representations about the past, sidewalks or in conceptual discussions of film analysis. Just as covers dialogues concerning the use of documentaries, educational videos, feature films with historical ambiance, commercials and television drama in the classroom, considering the pedagogical interventions of teachers, characteristics of visual language in a school environment, the appropriation of language by children and young people and their relation to historical knowledge schooled.
Keywords: visual language; history teaching, curriculum.
10 - History, fashion and material culture
Abstract: Since the year 1990, a series of historical research about the fashion and material culture linked to the field of clothing has grown and occupied the discussions of several authors. Daniel Roche and Philippe Perrot, are the best known. The presence of degrees in fashion, with their respective disciplines historical, have required the production of teaching and research in this area of \u200b\u200bhistorical research. Therefore, over recent years, several have been the academic literature production and, more or less tied to degrees in Fashion, produced. The teachers were proponents of this mini-symposium aim to make it the inaugural working group in the process of organization. Therefore, the purpose of this mini-symposium is: _ To provide a meeting and discussion of different researchers who have as their objective fashion in its historical context and material culture associated with it. The research that addresses the appearance and relationships that it establishes with society and culture as well as discussions of clothing and other items to the physicality involved, whether in its production, conservation and historical condition, along with fashion in its cultural and social implications, are suitable for this proposition mini -symposium.
Keywords: fashion, material culture, history.
11 - Gender as a category of analysis and possibilities of practical application in teaching, research and extension
Summary: The mini-symposium offers reflections on gender as a relational category, seeing it as an aspect of social relations, the construction of subjectivity, meaning production. As a category of analysis, gender refers to cultural and historical buildings that has permeated and power relations between men and women, men and men, women and men, all experienced in daily life, where are the desires, and breaks the rules, requirements , violence, practices. Through analysis of various sources, this category of analysis provides interpretations of social roles, behaviors, honor, masculinity and femininity, spheres of public and private practices of writing, teaching, sexuality, work, among others. In this sense, as an aspect of social relations of power and subjectivity, gender interacts with other forms of social relations, such as generation, race, ethnicity, class, profession, sexuality, feminism, childhood, education, family, social policies , teaching practices, and representations and experiences surround them, or not identify, and involve prohibitions, feelings and behaviors experienced by men and women.
Keywords: Gender relations and power, experience, social relations.
12 - History and town: spaces and experiences
Proposers: Suzanne
Sandra Guedes - UNIVILLE Janice Gill - UDESC
Abstract: The relationships we have with the place we live tend to be perceived as objective and practical, but recent research seeking an understanding of cities in the dimension of lived experience show that such relationships can also be subjective, because the moment we are discussing the city, its amalgams, to make visible in other ways. That is, the city is no longer just a geographical space - it becomes a place to directions, projects, and uses sensibilidades.Este thematic symposium seeks to bring together researchers whose concern for studies of cities reflect on different planes of the urban world, such as: that of its materiality, the stone structures that are imposed on the natural environment of the imaginary, culture and realize that lifts the materiality, the policy of establishing logical and establishing powers; the daily amending uses, and shows deviations inaugurates spatiality, the identities, that evaluates the assets and deletes / enlivens memories. Aiming to provide such discussions regarding urban issues in the State of Santa Catarina, GT History and the City intends that this proposed mini-symposium brings together research themes that converge to the outlook announced.
Keywords: City, environment, perceptions.
13 - History, body and health
Summary: This thematic symposium seeks to bring together researchers from the that has developed in his analysis historiographical issues related to the body, illness and health. Titled "History, Body and Health" aims to discuss the body as a vast web of ideas, ideologies and moral views. Operator sine qua non of all social practices, the body is projected onto the world because the whole relationship with the world is mediated by it. Healthy or sick body becomes language produced in the process of socialization, as well as producer of meaning, speaking of the social contexts of and cultural affiliations of everyday life. It is marked on the body where they are more distinct phases of human beings: birth, development and death. Also to be mentioned in the proposed work in related areas: anthropology, sociology, among others, considering the closeness in the relationships established in this field of research in recent decades.
Keywords: body, illness, mental health.
14 - Society and Power Politics in Brazil Republican
Proponent: John Henry
Abstract: The symposium seeks to encompass research field situated in the renewed political history. Researches on their analysis in the traditional themes of political history: parties, elections, wars, biographies, but worked on a new perspective. Alternatively, studies that incorporate new objects of analysis, eg, public opinion, media, speech, political affectivity (emotions and feelings), social questions, art, political and social movements, symbols, myths, politics, political culture, intra-family relationships , individual actions connected with politics, political relations between social groups, relations of domination and political interdependence ...
Keywords: politics, power, new approaches.
15 - History, Political Ideas and Practices
Summary: Currently it has been observed clear signs of revival in the interest of political scientists in the historicity of their objects of study and the interpretative nature of knowledge generated in the fields their disciplinary practice. In particular, political science has experienced, perhaps even at a fairly late stage, which influences began to affect all the social sciences since the 1960s, when new developments in disciplines such as philosophy of science, philosophy of language, hermeneutics and literary criticism became part of the debates among historians, anthropologists and sociologists. Thus, this symposium aims to create a thematic multidisciplinary space for display and discussion of substantive and methodological research that coalesce into an interpretation of historical process of development and movement of ideas and political practice, rooted in methodological proposals put forward in the neo-historicist approaches to political research.
Keywords: History, politics, political thought.
16 - The school culture in research on educational history
Giani Rabelo - UNESC UFRGS
Summary: In recent decades the History of Education, in tune with the perspectives of cultural history, has broadened the range of objects research, achieving a variety of thematic research possibilities. Antonio Viñao Frago (1995) says that the history of material culture of schools, involves the discussion of school time and space in daily practices. Thus, the material culture of the school reaches the teaching practices as well as the lives of students, and the architecture of the buildings and material objects that involve the teaching learning, broadening the concept of curriculum. Besides the variety of themes, also increased the number of documents to be covered as a regular written, oral histories, photographs and more. The ratio of the History of Education with material culture school that meets the Nóvoa Antonio (2004) poses as actions that involve the identities in the educational area. This Mini-Symposium, therefore, seeks to cover research that present investigations with a view to above.
Keywords: School culture, history education; memory.
17 - Laws and Rights: Legal route in the history of slaves and free workers (nineteenth and twentieth century)
Summary: A little more than three decades, the criminal cases have been highly valued by historians that come closer relations between history and law. Through the study of legal sources, the researchers significantly expanded its research objects, ranging from the history of crime, legal institutions and the actions of Justice to the history of everyday life, the struggle for rights initiated by anonymous men and women and their conceptions laws and justice. More recently, work processes have become valued in the polls over Republican workers of Brazil, which showed that law and justice were a force field in which different actors moved and appropriated institutional resources available but they were continually recreated by those involved, according to their demands for justice. This symposium aims to bring together the most diverse jobs that have an axis of reflection analysis of criminal, labor, training of legal apparatus relevant to the regulation of labor relations.
Keywords: Workers; Laws; rights.
18 - between rural and urban environment, migration and Oral History
Cezar Karpinski - UFSC
Abstract: This symposium will seek to work the intersections between human city and country in your actions in the midst of change environment for migratory actions and interventions designed to change the landscape aiming to meet social needs, located in the visions of gender throughout history. Human actions are understood as a dynamic process of creation and recreation of the experiences that impel us to delimit the scope of our empirical research in rural and urban spaces as a function of cultural diversity which moves in the same territory. Thus, the symposium seeks to form themselves into a space for the presentation of papers that discuss cultural identities, experiences and the subjectivity of memory in the fighting, guided by the methodology of oral history.
Keywords: Environment, migration, oral history, countryside and city.
19 - Picture & Politics History
Proposers: Anthony M.
Cristina Rose - UFF
Summary: One of the founders of the journal Annales, the French historian Marc Bloch, said that the story has the virtue of being poetic and have a very aesthetic. Contrary to the positivist theory, Bloch said that the source is the result of an active construction of the researcher who constitute such a document. The images, in their many and varied media, are becoming especially the possibility of research that reveals the field of production and circulation, the mechanisms of representation of reality, the aesthetics of language, narrative strategies, preferences and sensitivities on the issue, the trajectory of objects, finally the impression of historical reality. For the analysis of policy areas, as stated by René Rémond, billing disputes and bans, it is inextricable from the images and their research bases rituals. Thus, this mini-symposium aims to enable closer relations and dialogue between the works that use "images" as object and / or source of historical research. Cinema, photography, monuments, television, cartoons, caricatures, advertisements are some of these media imagery.
Keywords: Image, History, Politics.
20 - African Diaspora: experiences and cultures
Paulino de Jesus Cardoso - UDESC email: The proposed symposium aims to enable the thematic debate on the outcomes in the country by historians-who work with the study of the experiences of the populations of origin is africana.Busca reflect on the many theoretical and methodological approaches that guide these investigações.Esperamos stimulate the production of new studies on the subject of cultural diversity, racial and ethnic relations, as well as the academic exchange between the nuclei of studies african-Brazilians in the country .
21/07/2008 - feira08h Monday - 10am - Credenciamento10h - 12h - Abertura14h - 18h - Symposia Temáticos19h - Opening Conference
22/07/2008 - Tuesday feira08h - 10h - Mini -Cursos10h - 12h - Mesa Redonda14h - 18h - Symposia Temáticos18h - Launch of Livros19h30 - Roundtable
23/07/2008 - Wednesday feira08h - 10h - Mini Cursos10h - 12h - Mesa Redonda14h - 18h - Symposia Temáticos19h - Roundtable
24/07/2008 - feira08h Thursday - 10am - Mini Cursos10h - 12h - Mesa Redonda14h - 16h - Temáticos16h Symposia - Meeting and election ANPUH New Chapa - Management 2008-201019h - Conferência22h - Feast of fraternization
25/07/2008 - Friday feira08h - 10h - Mini Cursos10h - 12h - Meeting GTs