Thursday, September 4, 2008

10 Intresting Facts About Tay-sachs Diease

"100 Years of the Colony Erechim - New Colony" Fernando Armindo Lugo

Erechim on display in Cologne Unoesc

Thursday 08/21/2008 - 08:37

Xanxerê - Banners that tell the story of the centennial of the creation of the Colony Erechim (RS) between the years 1908 to 2008, are being exposed by several points in Library Campus Unoesc Xanxerê. Brought by the Bachelor's Degree in History in partnership with the Institute of History and Geography of Getulio Vargas (IHGGV), the exhibition "100 Years of the Colony Erechim - New Colony" began on the 18th and will stay in town until the 28th of August.
are 16 banners containing texts that refer to a report by surveyor Colonel. Severiano de Almeida and Souza, illustrated with 28 photographs of the time - most of 1913 - drawn by an unidentified photographer who crossed the Colony Erechim, towards the Great Barn and Marcelino Ramos, Rio Grande do Sul, leaving soon after the states of Santa Catarina and Parana.
For the teacher's Degree in History Unoesc, Thais Jana Wenczenovicz , the exhibition "100 Years of the Colony Erechim - New Colony" is of great historical interest for the state of Santa Catarina, since most of settlers who came to the West of Santa Catarina was intermediate firms that had official contact with the Rio Grande do Sul and the New Colonies.
According to Thais, Erechim, like many other towns in Brazil, was on the sidelines of a railway, in this case the railroad that linked Rio Grande do Sul to Sao Paul. Formed in 1908 and settled mostly by Poles, Italians, Germans and Israelis, the village had 36 Erechim pioneers, among them European immigrants coming from other lands and old, as Caxias do Sul, who arrived by railroad and lived in the place, making it a short time later a district of Passo Fundo.
Known as the Capital of wheat due to high numbers of grains produced, Erechim is currently called the Capital of Friendship. "The name's origin is linked to the first inhabitants there, the Tupi-Guarani," said the professor, adding that Erechim means "Campo Pequeno", probably because the fields in the region were surrounded by forests.
All the material on display was organized by Professor Angelo Neivo Fabris, the IHGGV, and is funded by the City of Culture Vargas (RS). The exhibition is open free for public viewing in the morning, from 8 to 11:30, and afternoon shifts and night, from 13:30 until 22:30.

Fabiane De Carli - Sheet Regional

Date: 08/20/2008 - Time: 15:15:04

Unoesc hosts exhibition 100 Years of the Colony, New Colony Erechim

Unoesc The Campus Xanxerê hosts in the period 18-28 August, exhibition focusing on the centenary of the creation of the Colony Erechim. The event, an initiative of the Bachelor's Degree in History in partnership with the Institute of History and Geography of Getulio Vargas (IHGGV), is located in the University Library.

The exhibition consists of 16 banners illustrated with 28 photographs, mostly made in 1913 by an unidentified photographer, who crossed the then headquarters of the Colony Erechim, towards the Great Barn and Marcelino Ramos. After he went on trip to Santa Catarina and Parana. The text accompanying the banners is referenced report signed by the surveyor cel. Severiano de Souza e Almeida.

"Originally called Great Barn and then successively Boa Vista, Boa Vista Erechim Jose Bonifacio and finally Erechim, like many other towns in Brazil, Erechim appeared on the sidelines of a railway. In case the railroad that linked Rio Grande do Sul to Sao Paulo, "explains Professor Jana Wenczenovicz Thais, course of History, Campus Xanxerê.

Settled primarily by four ethnic groups - Polish, Italian, German and Israeli - the village was formed in 1908. It was also that year that 36 pioneers, among European immigrants and others from the old lands (Caxias do Sul), arrived by railroad and inhabited the place, which soon became a district of Passo Fundo.
Erechim was once known as the Capital of wheat due to higher volumes of grain produced. Today it is recognized as the Capital of Friendship. "The name's origin is linked to the first inhabitants of the place, the Tupi-Guarani. Erechim means 'Little Field', probably because the fields in the region were surrounded by forests, "says the teacher.

The exhibition "100 Years of the Colony Erechim - New Colony" has an important historical interest for the state of Santa Catarina, considering that much of the early settlers who went to the Western Santa Catarina came through companies that were colonizing official contacts with Rio Grande do Sul and, more specifically, with the New Colonies.

The material was organized by Professor Angelo Neivo Fabris, the IHGGV, and funded by the City of Culture of Getulio Vargas. The exhibition is open to visitors in the morning, from 8 to 11:30, and afternoon shifts and night, from 13:30 until 22:30.

Source: Division of Communications and Marketing

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Food Medifast/nutrsystem


From the presidency of the bishop REPUBLIC: Fernando Lugo


denotes this last decade and win the election of several left-wing political leaders in command of several Latin American countries. Bachetelet, Chavez, Correa, Morales, and now Fernando Armindo Lugo de Méndez as president of the neighboring Republic of Paraguay.

Born on May 30, 1951, Lugo is descended from a humble family and born in São Pedro do Paraná, located the 400 km south of Asuncion. Also make up your history a childhood and youth full of difficulties, mainly because it is part of a family who was the victim of political persecution during the dictatorship of Alfredo Stroessner (1954-1989).

In the 1970s he entered the novitiate of the Missionaries of the Divine Word and, concurrently, did his higher studies in Universidad Catolica Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion , in the capital, where he later served as a teacher in Course of Religious Science. In the same decade was ordained a Catholic priest in August 15, 1977 and later moved to Ecuador to work as a missionary in the diocese of Bolivar, accompanied by Monsignor Leonidas Proaño (1910-1988), an exponent of Liberation Theology.

The 1980s reserved for studies in the Old World where he worked the area of \u200b\u200bspirituality and sociology at the Pontifical Gregorian University known. In the 1990s, more specifically in 1994, returned to Paraguay where was appointed bishop of the diocese of San Pedro, which is one of the poorest regions of the country. His appointment was made through Pope John Paul II which ranked as the element with Excenter formation and detachment to operate in an environment where poverty and misery that people made up the routine.

His performance with the popular strata and excluded the close of the thinker Frei Betto, Leonardo Boff and Dom Helder Camara. Their political and ideological options enabled him to be 'baptized' in the Guarani Tekojoja (which means "living among equals"). In 2004, without disclosing the reasons, the Church stepped down - indicating position as the title of bishop emeritus. " Oblivious to the criticism or possible sanctions from the Church, in March 2006, Lugo led the resistance movement Citizen, which brought together the main opposition political parties, labor unions and five more than one hundred associations and civil movements. That same month, was the keynote speaker for a protest demonstration against the government, convened by the Resistance Citizen, which brought together more than 30 000 people in front of the headquarters of the Congress.

After several assaults on the political scene and its appreciation against the Paraguayan population, on April 24, 2008 Fernando Lugo of Paraguay and religious leaders gathered to find a way out the situation facing the Catholic Church to have a bishop-politician, considering him the post of elected president of a country in South America even without exercising their religious activity, Lugo was still bishop in a country where the Constitution prohibits any minister of any religion, its chairmanship.

The July 30, 2008 , the legal guardian of the episcopate, Orlando Antonini gave the president-elect for the acceptance by Pope Benedict XVI, the resignation of Fernando Lugo to the state church. First bishop to be elected head of state in history, Lugo received a dispensation from Pope Benedict XVI historic, allowing you to exercise the presidency of Paraguay, from August 15, 2008. "The Vatican has granted the secular state to many priests, but this is historically the first time he does so to a member of the Church hierarchy" , which does not preclude the reinstatement in the future of Fernando Lugo to the church hierarchy, at the end its mandate.

know that the victory of the bishop of the poor "was due in large part to their actions in defense of landless peasants, trade unions and social movements which resulted in d Errota in the polls Party America South that had stayed longer in power and has received a license history of the pope.

* University Lecturer